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Photo:©2024 Cvenkel Miran < > Pegomya...Thesaurus 
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Latin Euphorbia zhiguliensis
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2023 en 10.06.2016   18:13:09   miran       
Up and bottom leaf side of Rheum sp.
At the start of the mine, at the leaf underside, a group of about 5 elliptic egg shells: Pegomya sp.

bladmineerders.nlHering (1957a) and Robbins (1991a) report finds of Pegomya-larvae on this plant. The larvae have not been reared, and are not identified. Hering assumes that it concerns one of the species living on Rumex, that has tried to step over to Rheum. A photo by Rob Edmunds of such a mine demonstrates that these attempts are not succesfull: the mine remains corridor-like, and is therefore atypical.
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