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Planting calendar

The time is calculated in UTF (GMT) time. You can adjust your local GMT/UT declination in your member personal settings. The table will be automaticaly adjusted upon selection.

The logic of planting is according to this:

Unit converter

Select the grouping, enter the number into any of white fields.


Thesaurus is there to collect terms concerning area of in every possible iso language. You are welcome to fulfill the records with your language term or add new terms.

Grouping of terms is pritty much loose. Forinstace, if you are looking for term 'horse' you would find/add term 'foal' inside same group.Furthermore, we hawe two terms, one depreciated, for cant find english term for this right now , Clitocybe clavipes and mpulloclitocybe clavipes, hence it is reaconable to have this two terms in same group within same language.

Adding/findig terms you are given dropdown cotaining f,m,n,o,pl , meaning female, male, neuter, offspring and plural respectively.

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