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Ta termin je tudi v:
 Slovenija - morsko življenje
Taxa: Labrax Morone Sciaena Roccus Centropomus Bodianus Dicentrarchus punctatus
l2 term description link
540711 13613 Albanian 1 Levreku
540704 13613 Bulgarian 1 Labrak
540707 13613 Bulgarian 1 Lavrak
687878 13613 Croatian 1 Luben
687879 13613 Croatian 1 Lubin
251515 13613 Czech 1 Morčák chtuný
620403 13613 Czech 1 Mořčák evropský
617936 13613 Czech 1 Mořčák pruhovaný
540684 13613 Danish 1 Bars
540749 13613 Dutch 1 Zeebaars
258355 13613 English 1 Bass
542633 13613 English 2 Black spotted bass
540688 13613 English 1 Capemouth
540691 13613 English 1 Common bass
2548840 13613 English 1 European bass
540702 13613 English 1 King of the mullets
517346 13613 English 2 Rock
517347 13613 English 1 Rockfish
540737 13613 English 1 Sea dace
540738 13613 English 1 Sea perch
256816 13613 English 2 Spotted bass
542639 13613 English 2 Spotted seabass
2548841 13613 English 1 striped bass
517349 13613 English 2 Striped sea bass
542640 13613 English 2 Three bar porcupinefish
540746 13613 English 1 White mullet
540747 13613 English 1 White salmon
517341 13613 Finnish 2 Juovabassi
540727 13613 Finnish 1 Meribassi
540681 13613 French 1 Bar
540682 13613 French 1 Bar commun
517340 13613 French 2 Bar d'amérique
540683 13613 French 1 Bar européen
2548843 13613 French 1 bar rayé
542632 13613 French 2 Bar tacheté
540685 13613 French 1 Bog
540687 13613 French 1 Brigue
540693 13613 French 1 Drelique
540696 13613 French 1 Gutgareo
540714 13613 French 1 Loubas negre
540715 13613 French 1 Loubine
540716 13613 French 1 Loup
540717 13613 French 1 Loup de mer
540718 13613 French 1 Loupassou
540721 13613 French 1 Lubin
540725 13613 French 1 Luvassu
540731 13613 French 1 Pigne
905874 13613 German 2 Barsch wolfs

2322015 13613 German 1 Felsenbarsch
2322103 13613 German 1 Gefleckter wolfsbarsch
540694 13613 German 1 Gemeiner seebarsch
540695 13613 German 1 Gemeiner wolfsbarsch
540726 13613 German 1 Meerbarsch
540736 13613 German 1 Salmbarsch
540739 13613 German 1 Seawolf
540740 13613 German 1 Seebarsch
2353741 13613 German 1 Wolfs barsch
540748 13613 German 1 Wolfsbarsch
540708 13613 Greek, Modern (1453-) 1 Lavráki
540745 13613 Icelandic 1 Vartari
540677 13613 Irish 1 An bhas
540692 13613 Irish 1 Doingean
540678 13613 Italian 1 Baicolo
540686 13613 Italian 1 Branzino
705703 13613 Italian 1 Brenzino
705717 13613 Italian 1 Epigola macchiata
705704 13613 Italian 1 Lupasso
705702 13613 Italian 1 Lupo
540729 13613 Italian 1 Perchia
517343 13613 Italian 2 Persico spigola
540730 13613 Italian 1 Persicospigola
540742 13613 Italian 1 Spigola
542637 13613 Italian 2 Spigola macchiata
503605 13613 Latin Bodianus punctatus

502378 13613 Latin Centropomus lupus
502379 13613 Latin Centropomus mullus
502380 13613 Latin Dicentrarchus elongatus
502381 13613 Latin Dicentrarchus lupus
503606 13613 Latin Dicentrarchus orientalis

256815 13613 Latin Dicentrarchus punctatus

502382 13613 Latin Labrax diacanthus
502383 13613 Latin Labrax elongatus
502384 13613 Latin Labrax labrax
502385 13613 Latin Labrax linnei
502386 13613 Latin Labrax lupus
503607 13613 Latin Labrax lupus punctatus

503608 13613 Latin Labrax orientalis

503609 13613 Latin Labrax punctatus

503610 13613 Latin Labrax schoenleinii

502387 13613 Latin Labrax vulgaris
502388 13613 Latin Morone labrax
466064 13613 Latin Morone lineatus

503611 13613 Latin Morone punctata

503612 13613 Latin Morone punctatus

342841 13613 Latin Morone saxatilis

466065 13613 Latin Morone saxitilis

502389 13613 Latin Perca diacantha
502390 13613 Latin Perca elongata
502391 13613 Latin Perca labrax

466066 13613 Latin Perca mitchilli alternata

502392 13613 Latin Perca punctata

503613 13613 Latin Perca punctulata

466067 13613 Latin Perca saxatilis

502393 13613 Latin Perca sinuosa
857951 13613 Latin Perca vaila

502394 13613 Latin Roccus labrax
466068 13613 Latin Roccus lineatus

466069 13613 Latin Roccus saxatilis

502395 13613 Latin Sciaena diacantha
502396 13613 Latin Sciaena labrax
466070 13613 Latin Sciaena lineata

503614 13613 Latin Sciaena punctata

540724 13613 Maltese 1 Lupu
540743 13613 Maltese 1 Spina
540744 13613 Maltese 1 Spnotta
542638 13613 Maltese 2 Spnotta tat tbajja
540697 13613 Norwegian 1 Havabbor
540698 13613 Norwegian 1 Havâbor
540699 13613 Norwegian 1 Havaborre
540705 13613 Polish 1 Labraks
542634 13613 Polish 2 Labraks centkowany
517348 13613 Polish 2 Skalnik prazkowany
540734 13613 Portuguese 1 Robalo
542636 13613 Portuguese 2 Robalo baila
540735 13613 Portuguese 1 Robalo legítimo
517345 13613 Portuguese 2 Robalo muge
540706 13613 Romanian 1 Lavrac
540723 13613 Romanian 1 Lup de mare
517344 13613 Russian 2 Polosatyi lavrak
540701 13613 Serbian 1 Kanjci
540703 13613 Serbian 1 Kirnje
540741 13613 Serbian 1 Smudut
13421 13613 Slovene Brancin
605346 13613 Slovene 1 Črtasti brancin
540720 13613 Slovene 1 Luben
604634 13613 Slovene 1 Pikasti brancin
540679 13613 Spanish 1 Baieta
540680 13613 Spanish 2 Baila
540689 13613 Spanish 1 Cherne
540712 13613 Spanish 1 Llop
540713 13613 Spanish 1 Llubina
2548842 13613 Spanish 1 lobina estriada
540719 13613 Spanish 1 Lubaro
540722 13613 Spanish 1 Lubina
517342 13613 Spanish 2 Lubina estriada
542635 13613 Spanish 2 Lubrina atruchada
540728 13613 Spanish 1 Mero
540732 13613 Spanish 1 Pintat
540733 13613 Spanish 1 Robaliza
540700 13613 Swedish 1 Havsabborre
540690 13613 Turkish 1 Çizgili mercan
540709 13613 Turkish 1 Levrek
540710 13613 Turkish 1 Levrek baligi


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