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Ta termin je tudi v:
 Škodljivci in bolezni kulturih rastlin
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 Nearktika = Severna Amerika - Kanada + USA (Severno od Mehike)
Taxa: Sphaeria Plowrightia Otthia Dibotryon
l2 term description link
761817 114626 English 1 Black knot
166189 114626 English 2 Black knot of cherry

166192 114626 English 2 Black knot of plum

166185 114626 English 2 Black knot of stone fruits

166188 114626 French 2 Nodule noir du cerisier

166191 114626 French 2 Nodule noir du pŕcher

166193 114626 French 2 Nodule noir du prunier

160650 114626 Latin Apiosporina morbosa

valid (13-10-2022)

729017 114626 Latin Botryosphaeria morbosa

syn. ,Apiosporina morbosa=valid, (13-10-2022)

729018 114626 Latin Cucurbitaria morbosa

syn. ,Apiosporina morbosa=valid, (13-10-2022)

729019 114626 Latin Dibotryon morbosum

syn. ,Apiosporina morbosa=valid, (13-10-2022)

729020 114626 Latin Otthia morbosa

syn. ,Apiosporina morbosa=valid, (13-10-2022)

729021 114626 Latin Plowrightia morbosa

syn. ,Apiosporina morbosa=valid, (13-10-2022)

729022 114626 Latin Sphaeria morbosa

syn. ,Apiosporina morbosa=valid, (13-10-2022)

166186 114626 Spanish 2 Nodulo negro del cerezo

166187 114626 Spanish 2 Nodulo negro del ciruelo

166190 114626 Spanish 2 Nodulo negro del melocotonero


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