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Ta termin je tudi v:
Taxa: Thielaviopsis Chalara Torula Trichocladium Thielaviopsis basicola
l2 term description link
164156 113269 English 2 Black hull disease of groundnut

763826 113269 English 1 Black root rot
164145 113269 English 2 Black root rot of bean

164148 113269 English 2 Black root rot of tobacco

164152 113269 English 2 Root rot of citrus seedlings

164157 113269 English 2 Root rot of ornamentals

164154 113269 French 2 Pied noir du pois

164158 113269 French 2 Pourridiú noir du melilot

164146 113269 French 2 Pourridiú noir du tabac

164150 113269 French 2 Pourriture noire des racines du tabac

164144 113269 German 1 Schwarzbeinigkeit

159628 113269 Latin Chalara elegans

syn. ,Berkeleyomyces basicola=valid, (13-10-2022)

1054438 113269 Latin Thielaviopsis basicola

syn. ,Berkeleyomyces basicola=valid, (13-10-2022)

1054439 113269 Latin Torula basicola

syn. ,Berkeleyomyces basicola=valid, (13-10-2022)

1054440 113269 Latin Trichocladium basicola

syn. ,Berkeleyomyces basicola=valid, (13-10-2022)

164147 113269 Slovene 1 Črna gniloba žil raznih rastlin

164151 113269 Slovene 1 Koreninska gniloba graha

164155 113269 Slovene 2 Rjava koreninska gniloba češenj in sliv

164149 113269 Spanish 2 Enfermedad de las raices pardas

164153 113269 Spanish 2 Podredumbre de las raices (tabaco)


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